When Traveling in Rome…Explore Unforgettable History and Eat Italian Food!

The Coliseum

Today is what we call  Ship Day ! The day we embark on our cruise. That means no posts until we get to Florence . When in Rome ….

We spent one full day in the Eternal City. WOW! When in Rome, do plan around the traffic. I’ve been to San Francisco, DC, NYC, and live in Chicago. I thought I knew traffic, holy crap, there are lots of cars, vespas, motorcycles AND The drivers are crazy … do not rent a car unless you can drive like a race car driver. Oh and cabbies can … and will …. yesterday there was a strike. ..there is one weekly. ..and public transport stopped except cabs … White Cabs are the legal cabs … they charged extra because of the strike and traffic. ..it did not matter. ..when in Rome …

 We had two nights and one full day to explore. Yesterday my fitbit recorded over 13000 steps and over 6 miles of walking. Our hotel, the Hotel de la Ville is right by the Spanish Steps. We took a cab to the Coliseum and even though we purchased tickets ahead, the line was 3 hours long … DO spend the extra 13 € per person and get a private tour. Well worth it and you skip the lines. I do not know how to explain it but it’s all the things you’ve read in history books and seen in the movies live and in person. The Vatican was the same. Wow! The paintings and sculptures from all the famous Italians … you know who they are. ..the Last Supper … in front of you. ..not a copy.

We ended the night with a fantastic dinner with Cruise Critic friends. Next stop … Florence. 

The Spanish Steps
The Vatican
Inside the Coliseum
The Forum
The Forum